We made it safely back home from Michigan on Saturday the 26th. It was such a relief to be able to sleep in my own bed for a change. Joey however, must have realized she wasn't near her Grandma's anymore and wasn't too happy about that. She was pretty fussy for a few days but then settled back into our routine.
Monday the 28th Joey had her Barium Swallow and Air Flouro done. The Speech Pathologist overseeing the Swallow study said she could see how Joey was aspirating on thin liquids when she was agitated. Here came the dilemma; Breast Milk is thin so therefore higher chance of aspiration, yet it is most like amniotic fluid so her body can deal with it easier if she does aspirate on it. However; Rice cereal does not mix with breast milk and my milk supply was dwindling fast. So our next option was formula, higher chance of aspiration with complications with plain formula and adding cereal to the formula meant higher chance of constipation and or tummy upset. Seemed like 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other, so I decided to stop breast feeding (pumping) completely. I am happy to report that Joey seems to be thriving on the formula/cereal combo. Her appetite seems to have increased, she is definitely eating better, and only had tummy issues the first few days on the cereal.
There was nothing spectacular happening with Joey and then I got a call from Dr. Corn (her Pediatrician) on Wednesday October 7th. Apparently there was a miscommunication about the testing Dr. Corn wanted and what was actually ordered. Dr. Corn wanted a modified upper GI and what got ordered was a modified Barium Swallow. On a positive note, the Barium Swallow wasn't a complete waste, it showed how Joey was aspirating on thin liquids and that wouldn't be visible on an upper GI. So we have an upper GI scheduled for this Wednesday, October 13. Joey also goes back to the Cardiologist on Friday the 16th, the will repeat her echo and hopefully be able to have some answers about the upper GI.
Then only other thing that is going on with Joey is that she is becoming more and more social. She is cooing quite a bit, she smiles a lot, and my favorite thing is when I kiss her in the corner of her mouth she will give a huge smile. She is looking at us more and more as we talk to her. She seems to respond better to my voice than Bruce's (that's just my opinion).
That's about all for now, so until the next update....
It was a sad moment when they had to leave with Joey I really wanted her to stay but Mom & Dad didn't go for that idea. But I treid anyways hiding out wasn't a goog idea she found us(Joey & Gramma. I even went as far as to tell them that Joey told me she wants to stay with Gramma and Gramma Pagac Of course Mom didn't beleive that one. It was a true please to see my Granddauughter Joey who is my little Princess. So she is now called Princess Joey. Till the day I get to see her once more I have pictures on my wall full of her photo's for me to look at an remember her smilling little face. When was here to vist I got to see her roll over on to her tummy. What a wonderfull suprise of course I had to brag to very one an any one who would listen. I love an miss my little Princess ever day